I can’t find the answer to my questions
Scholars from our Scholar Council have helped to answer some of these questions for us.
If you have not found the answers you are looking for on our website then please send us a message by email adminoffice@iscaexeter.co.uk or call us on 01392 204082.
What support is provided for scholars?
Many scholar sneed support during their time at Isca with either their school work or issues relating to health, wellbeing or other issues outside of school.
We have a wellbeing room if you are upset in class you can go there. We also have a school nurse who comes in every two weeks who you can speak to about any health concerns. Staff with pink lanyards are specially trained for Safeguarding and you can speak to them about anything.
Are the teachers strict?
Yes. The teachers push you to your limits in order to get the best out of you.
(Scholar council member, year 10)
How long are lunch and breaks?
Lunch and break are both 30 minutes long. We can get food from the canteen at both lunch and break. Many scholars eat some of their lunch at break time!
It can take Year 7 scholars a while to get used to a late lunch time but it soon becomes normal.
(Scholar council member, Year 9)
What challenges can I do?
There are after school clubs on most days such as netball, running, trampolining, rugby etc. There are also outdoor education programmes like Exe Valley Challenge in Year 7 and Duke of Edinburgh Award from Year 9.
(Scholar council members, Year 7 and 8)
How many teachers will I have?
There are more than 50 teachers at Isca Academy but you won’t be taught by all of them!
Most scholars have 10-12 teachers during any year. Sometimes you might have shared teachers for some subjects.
Your tutor will stay the same throughout the year and you see them every day so they should get to know you really well.