LVS (life, values and society including PSHE, RSE and RE)
Curriculum Statement of Intent
The PSHE curriculum at Isca Academy forms part of our personal development programme. It has been designed especially for our young people as part of our school, local, national and international communities. A spiral curriculum, underpinned by British Values, provides a sound basic understanding of a range of topics in year 7 and revisits them in greater depth in the following years as students’ ages, bodies, and experiences change.
Relationships, Sex and Health Education, and Mental Health are topics that feature each year. A large majority of our Careers Education and is delivered through PSHE lessons.
By the end of Year 11, Isca Academy students can access and assess a range of opinions and facts that are fully relevant to their daily lives, making the best decisions for themselves, moving into adulthood. They make positive choices, can reduce risk and stay safe, so that they can lead happy and healthy lives. They know where to find help if needed and can support others.