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Our Trust of Schools

Health and Social Care

Curriculum Statement of Intent

The curriculum is much more than just lessons.  It includes the ethos, attitudes and relationships which create the family life of our school.  Our aim is to provide a broad, balanced and rigorous curriculum that meets the needs and aspirations of every young person and leaves them well-prepared for their future. Health & Social Care is a vocational subject where students learn about topics relating to health and well-being, social care values and services, and human lifespan development. They will explore a variety of roles and potential careers, practice skills such as empathetic listening, and develop knowledge and how it should be applied in different contexts. The curriculum is planned to prepare students to become the next generation of competent and caring professionals, keeping an open mind and reflecting on the development of themselves and others, regardless of their eventual career path. The curriculum entails elements of biology, psychology and sociology in an overview of social sciences. Whilst there are theoretical ideas to cover, most lessons focus on case studies with real-world examples where students can work together to determine the best course of action. The curriculum intends:

  1. To develop communication skills through classroom debate and discussion
  2. To develop empathy for others through case studies and role play.
  3. To teach students how we develop, and the impact of this development on our lives (year 9)
  4. To explore other people’s situations, and what support and care is needed for them (year 10)
  5. To give students the skills to analyse and improve their practice through assignments researched in class (year 10 and 11)
  6. To develop the knowledge required to understand and express views on a range of more complex topics (year 10 and 11)
  7. To encourage students to express their opinions in a supportive environment, whilst opening up broader conversation on challenging topics within our society
  8. To prepare students for a future career in the Health & Social Care sector.