RE Careers
Religious Education
Scoll down to your year group
Use the form in your Homework Booklet as a template to research a career in RE.
You can print off a blank copy of the form here: Careers homework task
Year 7
In this cycle, you have learnt about Jewish beliefs and practices, such as food laws, festivals and their place of worship.
You have practised and improved your skills of investigation, interpretation and reflection. You have been able to develop your knowledge on what Judaism is, what they believe and why they believe it. Not only this, you have had the opportunity to develop your own thoughts and beliefs through discussion and debate.
Top 5 job ideas:
- Author
- Human Resource Specialist
- Rabbi
- Media Correspondant
- Teacher
Careers link:
Year 8
Introduction to Philosophy
In this cycle, you have learnt about ‘big questions’ and the study of philosophy. This has included looking at why we exist, what happens when we die and if we have free will.
You have practised and improved your skills of reflection, evaluation, analysis and self reflection. You have been able to develop your knowledge and understanding on what ‘big, unanswered questions’ there are in the world today and how different people respond to them. Not only this, you have had the opportunity to develop your own thoughts and beliefs through discussion and debate.
Top 5 job ideas:
- Social Researcher
- Government Officer
- Newspaper Journalist
- Human Resources
- Chaplain
Careers link:
Year 9 CORE
Introduction to Philosophy
In this cycle, you have learnt about ‘big questions’ and the study of philosophy. This included looking at why we exist, what happens when we die and if we have free will.
You have practised and improved your skills of reflection, evaluation, analysis and self-reflection. You have been able to develop your knowledge and understanding of what ‘big, unanswered questions’ there are in the world today and how different people respond to them. Not only this, you have had the opportunity to develop your own thoughts and beliefs through discussion and debate.
Top 5 job ideas:
- Social Researcher
- Government Officer
- Newspaper Journalist
- Human Resources
- Chaplain
Careers link:
Year 9 GCSE
Christian Beliefs
In this cycle, you have learnt about core beliefs within Christianity. This included looking at the life of Jesus, the afterlife and the belief in God.
You have practised and improved your skills in investigation, interpretation and reflection. You have been able to develop and extend your previous knowledge of what Christianity is, what they believe and why they believe it. Not only this, you have had the opportunity to develop your own thoughts and beliefs through discussion and debate.
Top 5 job ideas:
- Journalist
- Charity Worker
- Politician
- Public Sector (police / ambulance)
- Health and Social Care
Careers link:
Year 10
Christian Beliefs and Practices
In this cycle, you have learnt about core beliefs and practices within Christianity. This has included looking at the life of Jesus, the afterlife, sacraments, pilgrimage and the worldwide Church. There are many jobs or career areas related to Christianity/Religion.
You have practised and improved your skills of interpretation, empathy, reflection and evaluation. You have been able to develop your knowledge of what Christianity is, what they believe and why they believe it. Not only this, you have had the opportunity to develop your own thoughts and beliefs through discussion and debate.
Top 5 job ideas:
- Journalist
- Charity Worker
- Politician
- Public Sector (police / ambulance)
- Health and Social Care
Careers link:
Year 11
Theme E and F (Human Rights and Crime and Punishment)
In this cycle, you have learnt about religious perspectives on human rights and crime and punishment. This has included looking at prison service, rehabilitation of criminals and the use of human rights.
You have practised and improved your skills of investigation, application, reflection and evaluation. You have been able to develop your knowledge on what, and how, Buddhists and Christians respond to certain issues, what they believe and why they believe it. Not only this, you have had the opportunity to develop your own thoughts and beliefs through discussion and debate.
Top 5 job ideas:
- Politician
- Law
- Journalism
- Youth Worker
- Marketing
Careers link: