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Our Trust of Schools

Visual Arts Careers

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Use the form in your Homework Booklet as a template to research a career in Visual Arts.
You can print off a blank copy of the form here: Careers homework task

Year 7

Art and Design – Me and my world –  Inside my space

You have learnt how artists create interior scenes in their paintings.
You have practised your observation and your drawing skills focusing on accuracy and control. You have created 3D effects of depth on 2D paper using perspective and overlapping techniques.

Top 5 job ideas:

  1. Architect
  2. Engineer
  3. Set designer
  4. Interior designer
  5. VFX designer

Careers link:

Year 8

Art and Design – Objects and Viewpoints

You have learnt how artists record and use still-life in their paintings.
You have practised your observation and your drawing skills focusing on accuracy and control. You have created 3D effects of depth on 2D paper using shading and mark making techniques.

Top 5 job ideas:

  1. Product designer
  2. Commercial artist
  3. Graphic designer
  4. Illustrator
  5. Painter

Careers link:

Year 9

Art, Design and Photography

You have learnt that images are a visual system of communication that uses meaningful basic elements.  You have learnt the meaning of each separate basic element and how powerful they become when we combine them in a composition or layout. You are more aware of your visual thinking as a viewer and as an image-maker.

Top 5 job ideas:

  1. Perception psychologist
  2. Marketing manager
  3. Advertising art director
  4. Image consultant
  5. Graphic designer

Careers link:


Year 10

Art, Design and Photography

You have learnt how the portrait genre has evolved through the history of styles.  You have learnt to conduct photoshoots controlling light. You have learnt to map the outlines of light areas and to produce light studies. You are more aware of the communication power of facial expressions, body language and cultural codes.

Top 5 job ideas:

  1. Photographer
  2. Artist
  3. Stylist
  4. Magazine editor
  5. Make-up artist

Careers links:

Year 11

Art, Design and Photography

You have learnt how to review and improve the quality of your project.  You have learnt to spot weaknesses and strengths in your work and to manage your workload to meet deadlines. You are more aware of your own goals and of your self-management skills.

Top 5 job ideas:

  1. Project manager
  2. Media production assistant
  3. Events manager
  4. Art director
  5. Film director.

Careers links: