To contact any member of our staff, please go through our main office by calling 01392 204082,  or email

For any queries or concerns, please approach your child’s form tutor in the first instance, or their allocated Head of Year.

Heads of Year

Sam Black                      Head of Year 7 

Rosie Leigh                    Head of Year 8

Rebecca Gillchrest       Head of Year 9 

Kath Lewis                    Head of Years 10 and 11


Senior Leadership Team

Vicki Joyce                           Headteacher

Jamie Engineer                   Senior Deputy Headteacher  – Behaviour, Attendance, Safeguarding and SEND

Jayne Harmer                     Assistant Headteacher – Teaching and Learning

Karen Moore                       Assistant Headteacher – SEND

James Bass                         Assistant Headteacher – Behaviour

Jordan Gray                        Assistant Headteacher – English

Ollie Milverton                 Trust Leader – Maths

Gayle Passmore                Assistant Headteacher – Science

Harriet Smith                    Head of Business Support

Abbie Roberts                    Associate Assistant Headteacher – LVS and Careers