As part of the Ted Wragg Multi Academy Trust, Isca Academy has some Trust policies and some local school policies. You can access the Ted Wragg Trust policies using the following link:

Our key school policies are available to read or download below but please do not hesitate to contact the school should you require a policy that is not listed. Requests for paper copies of any Isca Academy documentation should be made to the main school office on 01392 204082.

If required we can also assist with translating the policy or other suitable access arrangements. Please do not hesitate to contact Harriet Smith via the school office if you have any questions regarding current school policies.

Accessibility Policy and Plan
Admissions Policies
Anti-Bullying Policy
Attendance Policy (Ted Wragg Trust)
Behaviour – see: Rewards and Behaviour Policy
Careers Education Information and Advice (CEIAG) and Provider Access Policy Jan 2023
Charging and Remissions Policy (April 2023)

Child Protection Policy (Updated for KCSIE) – Updated July 2024
Collective Worship (Ted Wragg Trust)
Complaints Policy (Ted Wragg Trust)
Computer Mobile Device – online use for pupils (Ted Wragg Trust)

Curriculum Statement 2023
Management of Information Policy
Early Careers Framework
Equality Policy (TWT)
Emergency Closure Procedures
Exclusion Policy (Ted Wragg Trust)

Financial & Legal Policies & Documents

First Aid Policy
Health and Safety Policy

Lettings Policy
Management of Information Policy
Managing unreasonable behaviour of those raising concerns/complaints
Photographic and Digital Images Policy (Ted Wragg Trust)
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2022-23
Relationships & Sex Education Policy (TWT)
Rewards and Behaviour Policy
Safeguarding Policy 2023
SEND Policy
SEND Information Report
Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions Policy (TWT)
Uniform Policy
Whistleblowing Policy (TWT)

Other Useful Links:

Ted Wragg Trust: Freedom of Information
Ted Wragg Trust: Governance Information
Ted Wragg Trust: Privacy Notices 
Ted Wragg Trust: Subject Access Request