Isca Academy

News | School News

Covid 19 Information for Parents

No doubt you will be aware of the issues related to Coronavirus (COVID 19).  We want to work with you to ensure that young people are sensitively informed and supported and they continue to come…
News | School News

2020 Exam Countdown – spacing and timing revision

Helping your child to create a revision schedule to maximise their time, and opportunities for quality revision. Using techniques such as spreading the subjects they revise across the week, and the benefits of little and often…
News | School News

2020 Exam Countdown – using flashcards

This weeks advice and information message to our parents and carers at Isca Academy on ways to support, encourage and prepare your child in Year 11 for the exams ahead of them this year. This week’s…

2020 Exam Countdown – Week One

Today marks the start of a weekly advice and information message to our parents and carers at Isca Academy on ways to support, encourage and prepare your child in Year 11 for the exams ahead…
News | School News

Knowledge Organisers

This week all students will be receiving their new knowledge organiser for this term. For students in years 7-9 this will be their first knowledge organiser. We will be holding parent drop-in sessions at parents evenings this…

End of Term

The school term ends on Friday 20th December. We have had a very full and busy term with students involved in a huge array of activities both in school and in the local community. Please see a…
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