Headteacher's Blog | News

Headteacher’s Blog
Friday 11th November 2022

Welcome to the first edition of our Headteacher’s Blog where we round up all the events and celebrations that have been happening in the school this past week. We truly believe that Isca students are the greatest and look forward to sharing all their amazing achievements with our community each week.

Students of the Week
Congratulations to our students of the week who have been nominated by their teachers for great attitudes towards their learning, being polite and cheerful at all times, and demonstrating our Isca values.
This week’s winner are:
Megan Adams, 7PFI
Milosz Najdowski, 8SDO
David Czaban, 9IH
Riley Mann, 10MHY
Miley Turpin, 11RP


Geography: Isca goes to COP27
Our Year 8 Geography students have been participating in a project which this week has seen their work presented to delegates at the COP27 conference in Egypt.
Students from across the UK have been creating postcards with their own drawings and messages to COP negotiators encouraging them to push for bold climate action plans.
It has been very exciting this week to know that someone At COP27 will be looking at the work of our students from Exeter! Let’s hope that the messages are read and acted on as well.

History: Revision gets serious with Seneca
Year 10 and Year 11 students have been absolutely smashing their Seneca revision homework so far this academic year. In total, History students have clocked up a grand total of 346 hours of quizzing so far…and it’s only November. Fantastic work!
A special mention to Year 10 students Jakub Kaniak and Tadek Banaszek who have completed 104 and 152 Seneca quizzes respectively!

Languages Department: Year 11 students making great progress, Bravo!
Following focused lessons on boosting writing grades this term, and outstanding completion of their weekly homework, we have seen amazing progress by year 11 linguists (both French and Spanish) in their mid-cycle writing assessment.  They have made great progress since the year 10 exams and we look forward to marking their mocks later on this term.

Cross Country: putting in a great run for Isca
On Wednesday this week we took 42 Isca students across all year groups to St Lukes’ for the first round of the ‘Exeter and Area Schools Cross Country Championships’. Each student did extremely well in their races and all represented Isca to the highest of standards.
A massive well done to the following students who have made it through to Round 2:

  • Ella Davis – Yr7
  • Gustaw Banaczek – Yr8
  • Jessica Creasy – Yr10
  • Thomas Brown – Yr10
  • Cameron Thomas – Yr10
  • Harry Hitchmough – Yr11
  • Noah Hitchmough – Yr11
  • Jacob Price – Yr11
  • Sam Hughes – Yr11
  • Matt Mycock – Yr11








Maths – Sparx winners in every class
A student from every class won a prize before half term for their exceptional completion of Sparx homework.
Well done to all the winners! We are really impressed with everyone’s commitment to Maths homework this term. Don’t forget to come and see a member of the Maths team if you need some help.

Performing Arts – Shrek is off to an awesome start
Great to see the whole cast of Shrek turn up for rehearsals on Monday! We have a fantastic group of students from across the school working on the school production for March 2023. We ae only at the start of rehearsals but we know it is going to be an amazing show!

Cadets on Parade
Isca’s Cadet division has grown! This week we had 53 students participating in the weekly Parade.On Sunday, Cadets will be present at Exeter Cathedral for the annual Remembrance Parade, and also took part in a remembrance event at school on Friday, marking the 11am minute’s silence with The Last Post and Reveille played on bugle by Mr Adams. A very poignant and moving event. 


Fundraising – charitable donation to the RD&E
The student non-uniform day before half term and some staff fundraising on our recent training days, has raised almost £700 which will be donated to the Neonatal unit at the Royal Devon and Exeter hospital, a charity which is close to our hearts.

The Snack Shack is open
We are pleased to announce that the Snack Shack is now OPEN!!
Students will now be able to buy snack items, sandwiches and drinks at break times in the snack shack.  Over the coming weeks they will extend their offer to include homemade soup and hot chocolate.

Amazing Isca Students

Isla Searle 7CHA took part in a Karate competition at the weekend, she came second beating students of year 11 age.  Awesome achievement! Well done Isla!

Megan Stokes 8SCA has been recognised as one of the most promising young skateboarders in the country and has been selected for the GB skateboarding pipeline. This is both an amazing achievement and an exciting opportunity especially as Skateboarding is now an Olympic sport and Team GB already have a bronze medal. Megan has recently made it to the finals of a competition in London finishing in fifth place overall. We are all extremely proud of Megan’s achievements and look forward to seeing her go from strength to strength in the future.

Next week:

Our Outdoor Education Team will lead the first Ten Tors training walk of the season, so it’s an early start this weekend for around 60 students (and their parents – so thank you to all supporting this fantastic event)

Anti-bullying Week
Next week we will be running a number of activities with our Anti-bullying ambassadors throughout the school next week to add to our continuous awareness of this issue. Events will include:

  • Odd socks day – Monday 14thNovember
  • Anti-Bullying ambassador assemblies – 14-18thNovember
  • Friday 18thNovember – tutor time Anti-Bullying activities