Headteacher's Blog | News

Welcome to this week’s edition of the Headteacher’s Blog where we round up all the events and celebrations that have been happening in the school this week.
We truly believe that Isca students are the greatest and look forward to sharing all their amazing achievements with our community each week.

Scholars of the Week

Well done to our Scholars of the Week today rewarded with their certificates and badges for their high standards, outstanding efforts and friendliness to others – values that we love to see in all Isca students.
This week’s winners are:
Year 7 – Bella
Year 8 – Mohammed
Year 9 – Jessica
Year 10 – Laila
Year 11 – Josh

Water Polo Champ

We are so proud of Jessica in Year 9 who recently played in the Devon Cup Final for water polo. The match was against Newton Abbot who started off very strong taking an early lead. Jessica’s Exeter side fought back to take the gold medal and win 7-6 in the final quarter.

English Sparx Readers – Winning Classes!

Every week there is an opportunity for each tutor group in Year 7 and 8 to achieve a place on the Sparx Reader Leader Board with prizes each term for the classes that are making the most progress!

This week’s winners are…

Mrs Donavan’s English class – Year 7 – 100%!
Miss Lolin’s English – Year 8 (closely followed by Miss Nielsen’s class!)

Il y a un grand chien!

Year 7 have impressed us with their writing this week in French. We have been working on extending our written work this term and some highly accurate pieces about school have been produced. We loved the use of last term’s word ‘chien’ in the sentence “Il y a un grand chien” (There is a big dog) to describe our school dog Missy being on site!


Year 11 Mock Speaking Exams

A reminder that Year 11 mock speaking exams are next week for French (with Spanish after half term).  They follow the same format as the year 10 summer exam and will give us the opportunity to provide precise individual feedback on what to work on before the final exam in May.

Year 11 English Tutorials

We have been really blown away by the effort of our year 11 students over January. We really appreciate all the students who have stayed behind to attend the masterclasses with Mr Holland. Students have really benefitted from the expert guidance of an AQA examiner. We are pleased that we are able to continue offering these sessions on Tuesday afternoons each week in the build up to the GCSE exams.

What’s Happening in… Computer Science?

Year 8s are learning how to write and design storyboards; and the levels of hard work and creativity shown in computer science lessons has been of a real high scholar standard.

In Computer Science all the Year 9s have started a programming project and have made great progress into the designing of flowcharts for the task, and have started to plan test tables to test their code.

Year 11 Computer Scientists have improved their accuracy on their Smart Revise keyword recall accuracy from 62% on Week 1 this term to 74% now.

What’s Happening in… iMedia?

In iMedia all the year 10s have started their coursework and have made promising starts to designing logos for a tech company showing creativity and clear independence throughout the task.

In iMedia we have a few Year 11 students staying for a lesson 6 every week to complete coursework they missed and are making amazing progress on the work they are completing in their own time.

RE Trip to Buckfast Abbey

Our Year 10 GCSE RE scholars enjoyed a very educational trip to beautiful Buckfast Abbey last week.

Coming up…

Tuesday 7th – Year 10 and Year 11 catch-up immunisations
Wednesday 8th – selected Year 10 students to Exeter College Academic Insights
Thursday 9th – Year 9 parents evening

Have a great weekend, see you next week.