We are delighted to be able to share with our community the final Ofsted Report which confirms that Isca Academy continues to be a Good School. The Section 8 inspection took place on the 21-22 June 2022 and this is the first inspection of the school since the last inspection in 2016 where the school was graded Good in all areas.
Confirming that the school, which is part of the Ted Wragg Trust, continues to be Good, the inspectors praised school staff and leaders, noting:
- Isca is a calm and purposeful place in which to learn.
- All pupils follow an ambitious and rigorous curriculum.
- Teachers have strong subject knowledge. They enthusiastically share what the know.
- Pupils have a voice in school life. Leaders listen to their views and act upon them
- Staff know how to help pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) with their learning. Pupils are involved in reviewing what support they most value.
- Leaders support pupils’ wider personal development well.
The report which specifically highlights the Safeguarding arrangements at the school reported that:
- The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
- Staff are vigilant about the safety and welfare of pupils. Training helps them understand the possible signs of harm.
- Leaders take prompt action when concerns are reported.
- Safeguarding staff work tenaciously to secure the help that pupils need.
Moira Marder, Chief Executive Officer of the Ted Wragg Trust, said: “We are delighted with this report which is a testament to the dedication and incredible hard work of the whole Isca community. We are particularly pleased with the recognition of the excellent work done to support Isca students’ personal development, which we know has been consistently exceptional for many years. Well done to all.”