It can be very hard for children and young people to speak out about issues that affect their safety and wellbeing or that of their friends. Often they fear there may be negative consequences if they tell someone.
Some may delay telling someone about their concerns for a long time, while others never tell anyone, even if they want to.
It is vital that children and young people are able to speak out and that whoever they tell takes them seriously and acts on what they’ve been told.
For this reason Isca Academy have put a link to a Student Safeguarding Reporting Form here, which they can use from now.
You can trust us to keep the information private, unless we are really worried about the safety of you or your friend, in which case we will need to tell the appropriate people who can support you (but only them). Keeping what you say confidential is really important to us and we will only tell other people if we have to. If we need to tell someone, we will always talk to you first.