English Rewards | News | School News

English Rewards – February 26th 2021

Miss Lolin would like to nominate some of her Year 11s with their standout work this term. Daisy H has shown a fantastic effort in her recent monologue - it was a pleasure to read such…
English Rewards | News | School News

English Rewards – February 12th 2021

At the end of our half term, the English department wish to give special mentions to the following students for their efforts and performances over the past week. Miss Humphries and Mr Goldson would like to…
English Rewards | News | School News

English Rewards – February 5th 2021

Accelerated Reader Successes This week we would like to highlight those students who have completed, and passed, 3 or more quizzes on Accelerated Reader on books they have read in the last month.  We think reading…
English Rewards | News

English Rewards – January 29th 2021

The English team share the work of students each week, celebrating the excellent work they see from students in their online classrooms, written work they are receiving, and the work of Essential School students on-site…
English Rewards | News

English Rewards – January 22nd 2021

The English team share the work of students each week, celebrating the excellent work they see from students in their online classrooms, written work they are receiving, and the work of Essential School students on-site…
English Rewards | News

English Rewards – January 15th 2021

The English team will be sharing the work of students each week, celebrating the excellent work they see from students in their online classrooms, written work they are receiving, and the work of Essential School…